2014年5月26日 星期一

Port Jetty to android launch from dalvikvm

There is a project named i-Jetty that you can install from google play, and another droidSSH let you control your android device remote, the two app can make your old android device to become a server. In general, the android app will be release if system busy, low memory or in deep sleep, it mean you will lost SSH control if Http service busy from i-jetty, another reason why I port it to launch by native dalvikvm is no log in i-Jetty interface.

I download the source of Jetty-8.1.15 and import to android sdk to see what are not support by android system, that is what I found:

  • The following package not support by android.
    • javax.annotation: it parse annotation something like @ServletFilter(urlPatterns={"/myurl"} in your servlet code.
    • javax.naming:  see document
    • java.lang.management: see document
  •  The KeyStroe provider not support from dalvikvm launcher.
    • Neither JKS or BKS keystore provider exist: It support SSL connection object(which make HTTPS connection) need the provider.
    • I found the keystore.so in android system, it may a hint for you.

there is my package file, it not support HTTPS although the package are include, so don't use it in bank systems ...

